Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Who's Your Enemy

"If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat;
And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
For so you will heap coals of fire on his head,
And the LORD will reward you."
Prverbs 25:21-22

It's not our purpose in life to work towards a reward. However, there are many circumstances in which the Lord promises rewards. Yesterday I talked about praying for our enemies. Today I'm talking about filling another need: provision. God is our provider in all things. When you see somebody who needs to be fed, even if he is your enemy, you need to feed him. Trust me in this, your reward may not come from him. In fact, he's likely to respond with more disdain and hate. Couple the prayers with the provision and you are honoring God.

Remember the lady and her son who had almost nothing left and fed the prophet? She and her son were provided with enough for a very long time after that step of obedience. Doesn't that sound like a great reward? Give all you have ~ it's not yours. Let God provide what is needed and He will reward you. After all, this delights Him.

Who do you need to feed? Whose hunger do you need to satisfy? Your Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He will provide the meat and bread. You provide the obedience.

Feeding those who steal from my plate.

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