Friday, April 13, 2012

Was the Resurrection Real?

My answer to that question is unequivocably, "Yes!" However, I know many that ask the question. I decided to take the time to answer the question of, "Why do you believe the resurrection really occured?"

We all have different lenses through which we view the world. In order to answer a question as "deep thinking" as the one I've posed, you must first see the background of my life. My journey began in an abusive home. I see the eye rolling... It's true. My father was emotionally, physically and sexually abusive. Despite this, my sisters and I always attended church. Our father claimed to be a Christian and required it. At age seven, I asked JESUS to come into my heart. When I was fourteen, I along with my sisters, entered foster care. In the next four years, I survived fourteen foster homes. (The irony isn't lost on me.) It was a long road.

I entered into adulthood at age 17. Fresh out of high school, on my own, a new journey began. It was one of real self-discovery. I had been re-baptized during youth camp. Now that I was on my own, it was time to find out more about JESUS. Why did HE choose me? What was HIS plan for my life? I started reading the Word regularly. I sought HIS Truth by asking HIM to show me what I had been missing for years. GOD began opening up the reality of WHO HE is.

My life remained in a cycle of ups and downs: emotionally, spiritually and financially. At age nineteen, one evening, as I was riding my bicycle home from work during a monsoon downpour, I cried out to the LORD. It was like the "foxhole" prayers about which we frequently hear. "LORD! If YOU are real, show YOURSELF to me!" Years later, I had a mentor who said to me, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." GOD answered my prayer that day. Things did not get better, however I started seeing HIM working in my life.

I quickly learned what the REFINER'S fire was. The more I learned about it, the more I wanted to go through it. Wait! What was that? You wanted the fire? Yep, that's what I said. I realized something in my learning: in order to become the person whom GOD was making me, I had to go through all HE had planned for me.

Fast forward to now. Trust me, it's the best thing to skip the last 25 years for now. GOD led me through more ups and downs. I learned the biggest lesson of my life: GOD is faithful. In all HE has shown me over the last forty four years, there is no doubt in my mind that the resurrection was real. HE has spoken to me, guided me, protected me, provided for me, healed me, listened to me, counselled me, watched over me... I could go on, but you get the point.

Without the resurrection, none of life would have meaning. Whether you believe yet or not, GOD is real. There is only one GOD. HE is a loving GOD. HE is a mighty GOD. HE is a powerful GOD. HE loved you so much, that HE gave HIS only SON to die for your sin. But then, HE did what was never done before HIM, HE arose and is still alive. HE lives today and is waiting for you to join in HIS freedom. Because, if you know the SON you will be free indeed!

What are you waiting for now? Come on...walk with HIM!