It's been quite a while since I've taken any time to blog. I've been unemployed since September 26th and you'd think I'd have more time for it. Part of my time is involved in looking for a job, part of my time is getting in physical shape again (not that I'm way out, but I've lost 11 pounds and that has given me more motivation to work out) and then part of my time has consisted in working towards building my biz. Since I am out of work during this horrible economy, I have to make my biz a priority.
The first thing I have been doing has been going through all my old business cards and calling those people. I figure if I go through them first it will build my calling skills as I listen to how they respond to my call. Since they are people I haven't dealt with for years I won't be as intimidated or nervous about calling them.
Another reason I'm going through the cards is that I totalled my car just after losing my job so I don't have transportation. This is limiting in building my biz because I can't get out to meetings at night. I am stuck with who I can show the opportunity online. I don't like this method that much. It says volumes when you can sit in front of somebody and share the dream with them. It's so much harder through the phone.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
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